

3D Visualisation - 16th Century London

Here you can see me using Blender to model the Hurdy Gurdy Man from the concept sketches, the programme I use for this is Blender 3D. Below I show the texture preparation stage and give a tip as to how to get started rigging and animating characters.


Blender is also very user friendly for UV mapping your sculptures allowing you to easily increse and decrease the vertices selected within both the modelling view and Image/UV view.


Here I have just blocked coloured all of the areas of the character using the darkest of each area, taken from the concept image.

I quickly block in gradiated colour using gradient fill to give an idea of highlights and shadow.

A good way to quickly test if your model will work is to use Mixamo, an online character rigger from Adobe, it has a large library of motion capture files that I enjoy to use. Picking a basic animation from one of the hundreds they have allows you to then refine down and fine tune what you need.



These concepts are part of a game I created due to my interest in London in the 16th Century, particularly the day to day running of alehouses, amidst Catholic persecution, naval impressment and the dawning of a new age of communication due to the printing press. Not to mention the many and varied ways you could end up out of pocket at the hands of tudor criminals!

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All original material copyright Jacob Corn 2020 unless otherwise stated. All rights reserved.